Effective patch for back pain: names, prices and principles of treatment

The back pain patch is a transdermal agent used to treat back pain of various etiologies and origins. The dosage form is characterized by the gradual release of the active ingredients, which ensures a long-lasting therapeutic effect. The active ingredients of all pain-relieving patches enter the systemic bloodstream in small concentrations, so the list of contraindications for transdermal drugs is significantly shorter than for drugs with oral and parenteral administration. The causes of back pain are often pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and urogenital system, so a medical consultation and examination is necessary.

A patch that helps relieve inflammation and back pain

Classification of transdermal products

Dorsalgia (back pain) develops as a result of functionally reversible blocking of the intervertebral joints. Pathological conditions often precede spondyloarthrosis or osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. Blocking often occurs as a result of increased static or dynamic loads, antiphysiological postures and microtraumas. Neuropathologists and rheumatologists warn of the need for comprehensive treatment of dorsalgia, as tissue damage in one area of the spinal column leads to functional changes in adjacent areas. Compensatory hypermobility gradually develops, which reduces a person's quality of life.

Low back pain occurs in 76% of the population. In 7% of cases, intense discomfort is diagnosed. In more than 9% of people, back pain has caused disability.

In the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal systemThe patches are used to reduce pain, relieve inflammation and swelling. Clinical studies have proven the high efficiency of transdermal agents for local use, which have a pain-relieving effect. Therapeutic patches for the treatment of back pain can be classified as follows:

Group of spots Characteristics
Warming up The active ingredients of the external preparations are extracts of hot peppers or mustard seeds. The effect mechanism of the patches is to improve the blood circulation of damaged tissues and accelerate their regeneration
Heat reflective The patch contains nanoparticles of rare earth metals, which can use the body's own resources to increase body temperature in inflamed areas.
Anti-inflammatory The active ingredients of transdermal drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This patch group is effective in the treatment of back pain of any localization
Phytoplastics Chinese manufacturers supply products containing herbal extracts, essential oils and other natural ingredients for topical application. Patches are used not only for therapy, but also for the prevention of pathologies of the lumbar spine

In medical practice, pain lasting 1-1. 5 months is considered acute, and pain lasting 12 weeks is considered chronic. The prescription of pain-relieving plasters is practiced to eliminate discomfort at any stage of the pathology.

Transdermal products with chondroprotectors appeared on pharmacy shelves relatively recently. They contain chondroitin, glucosamine, and sometimes hyaluronic acid with B vitamins that can improve innervation. These biologically active substances are the structural units of the cartilage, bone and joint tissues of the locomotor system.Such plasters are rarely included in the treatment of patients with lumbosacral osteochondrosis or radiculitis.due to the low efficiency of quickly eliminating pain of any intensity. The main task of chondroprotective patches is to restore tissues affected by inflammation, which can take several months, sometimes even years. Many traumatologists and neurologists are skeptical about this type of topical medication, as there is no evidence of their therapeutic effectiveness.

Dorsalgia occupies one of the first places in the structure of those who seek medical help. According to the results of epidemiological studies conducted at leading clinics in the countries, pain in the lumbosacral region was the main cause of complaints in 24. 9% of 1, 300 patients.

Warming patches with red pepper extract

The wine patch for back pain is the most popular transdermal remedy for treating back pain of any severity. The active ingredients are red pepper and belladonna extracts, dimethyl sulfoxide, and eucalyptus essential oil. Thanks to lanolin (animal wax obtained by boiling lamb's wool) and pine resin, the active ingredients are easily absorbed by the skin and penetrate into the inflamed areas. The following therapeutic effects are characteristic of the paprika patch:

  • painkiller;
  • disturbing;
  • locally irritating.

Paprika extract can dilate blood vessels localized in the area of pain. The pain-relieving effect is also manifested in the reduction of muscle tone and the improvement of tissue trophism. Belladonna (belladonna) extract is characterized by a pronounced antispasmodic effect, which is provided by the atropine alkaloid that is part of the plant. The manufacturers added dimethyl sulfoxide to the patch to alleviate the inflammatory processes that often accompany back pain. The organic compound inactivates hydroxyl radicals and accelerates metabolic processes in pathological areas.

In people with sensitive skin, the use of the transdermal product causes severe burning, itching and blockage of blood vessels at the application site. If any of the listed side effects occur, wipe the affected body surface with a cotton pad soaked in sunflower oil.

Borstapaz cannot be used to treat patients under the age of 14, pregnant or lactating women. Absolute contraindications are varicose veins and damage to the integrity of the skin.

A heating patch with a high capsaicin content is used to eliminate peripheral neuropathic pain caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system (from the roots to the nerve endings). This transdermal preparation is not intended for home use, as certain conditions must be met during its use.

Capsaicin is a highly selective agonist of vanilloid receptors, the transient receptor potential of which belongs to type 1. Skin pain receptors expressing TRPV1 are activated immediately after local application of the patch. The patient feels a burning sensation and redness appears in the area of the adhesive caused by the release of vasoactive neuropeptides. The external drug is characterized by the following pharmacodynamic effects:

  • Capsaicin significantly reduces the sensitivity of skin pain receptors to mediators. But when exposed to mechanical and vibrational stimuli, the individual's ability to feel pain remains unchanged;
  • Changes in the pain receptors of the skin are reversible due to the active effect of capsaicin, which occurs after a while. The response to painful stimuli is restored after 2-4 weeks.

The patch is characterized by slow transepidermal and transdermal absorption. One hour after sticking the patch, only 1% of the active ingredient penetrates the damaged tissue.

The field of application of the external medicine is determined by the attending physician, and the procedure is performed by medical personnel. The patient's skin is first treated with a product with a pronounced anesthetic effect to reduce the intensity of the discomfort. The patch should be applied with gloves and goggles. Such precautions are necessary to prevent reddening of the epidermis and irritation of the mucous membrane.

Heat reflective patches

In the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, and radiculitis, the nanopowder patch has proven itself well for back and lower back pain. The composition of the transdermal product is represented by a fine mixture obtained by processing rare earth metals. The nanopowder that emits infrared radiation is applied to a hypoallergenic polymer base.

The duration of exposure of the patch is 12 hours. The next local application can only be used after 6 hours.

The drug's pharmacological action mechanism lies in the combined effect of infrared radiation and the magnetic field created by rare earth materials.. The temperature of the inflammatory focus rises, which leads to an improvement in microcirculation. The biologically active and nutrients begin to flow into the damaged tissues, starting the regeneration processes. This leads to multiple therapeutic effects, among which the following predominate:

  • improvement of local lymph and blood circulation;
  • prevention of stagnation;
  • normalization of venous outflow;
  • alleviation of the inflammatory process;
  • reducing the severity of pain;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • relaxation of spasmodic muscles.

The patch has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect. As a result of the infrared rays, the striated skeletal muscles relax and the optimal transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system is restored. The use of the transdermal drug for 5-7 weeks helps to increase the functional activity of the locomotor system and normalize the range of motion. If the cause of dorsalgia is a fall or a severe bruise, then the use of the patch relieves not only pain, but also extensive hematomas by improving microcirculation in the damaged tissues.

A Polish manufacturer produces a warming and pain-relieving patch. The drug does not contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.The active ingredient of the patch is iron powder.Activated carbon acts as a catalyst for biochemical reactions.

The interaction of enterosorbent and iron powder leads to an increase in the temperature of the inflammatory focus to 45-50 °C. The body produces heat through the oxidation of alkaline earth metals, which are the basis of iron powder.

Deep heating of the spasmodic muscles helps to increase the blood supply to the damaged tissues and reduce the tone of the skeletal muscles. The warming effect lasts for 12 hours, after which the patch must be removed and the moisturizing cream must be rubbed into the application area.In order to prevent skin burns, the treatment procedure can be performed no more than 3 times every 7 days.. The lack of components in the patch that are absorbed into the systemic circulation ensures few side effects. The transdermal drug is not prescribed to patients during pregnancy, lactation and menstruation. Cracks, wounds or scratches on the skin are also an absolute contraindication. If the patch is applied to parts of the body where blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin (for example, the groin area), the likelihood of burns and irritation increases significantly.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicated patches

Neurologists and rheumatologists give a clear answer to patients' questions about which patch is better for back pain - a transdermal agent with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs reduce the severity of clinical manifestations and eliminate the pathology that causes them by blocking the enzyme cyclooxygenase. This leads to a decrease in the production of prostaglandins, the main mediators of pain and inflammation. Most often, in the treatment of radiculitis and lumbar osteochondrosis, a patch containing an active ingredient from the group of phenylacetic acid derivatives is used. The external active ingredient also contains levomenthol, which has the following effects:

  • local irritant;
  • painkiller;
  • weak antiseptic.

The amount of phenylacetic acid derivative released from the patch during the day is equal to the volume adsorbed from a similar dose of 1% gel. The transdermal product has many advantages: comfort and low frequency of use, no greasy traces remain on clothes and bedding after use.

Approximately 5-6% of the phenylacetic acid derivative is able to enter the bloodstream, but this amount is not sufficient to cause significant systemic side effects. T1/2 of inactive metabolites of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - within 1-3 hours. After glucuronidation in the liver cells, the phenylacetic acid derivative is mainly excreted through the urinary system (65-70%), and the rest is excreted in the feces. 1% of the active substance leaves the body unmetabolized.

Relatively recently, a patch from a Korean manufacturer appeared on the shelves of pharmacies, the active ingredient of which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug belonging to the group of propionic acid derivatives. Its pain-relieving effect is also based on inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins by inhibiting cyclooxygenase.

The undoubted advantage of the propionic acid derivative is the possibility of its use in the treatment of patients with chronic kidney and liver failure. Regardless of the stage of the pathology, the metabolism of NSAIDs in liver cells does not change, which explains their lack of accumulation.

5-8 hours after applying the patch, its biological concentration in the blood serum reaches 0. 08-0. 15 μg/ml. The propionic acid derivative is metabolized by hepatocytes during the glucuronidation reaction, and the conjugates are mainly excreted from the human body in the urine.

The transdermal drug is used as a symptomatic agent for the treatment of neuralgia, lumbago, osteochondrosis and radiculitis in patients older than 15 years. The external agent has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect and effectively reduces swelling. In order to increase the effectiveness, the annotation recommends sticking the patch twice a day on the painful parts of the body. The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the severity of the diagnosed disease, but should not exceed 6 days.

Chinese pain relief patches

Chinese osteochondrosis patch is a transdermal product containing herbal extracts and biologically active substances with chondroprotective properties. After sticking the transdermal medicine to the area of pain and inflammation, the acupuncture points in the spinal column are activated. The result of this effect is improved blood circulation, delivery of nutrients and biologically active substances to damaged tissues, and acceleration of metabolic processes.

There are not many Chinese plasters for joints and spine on the shelves of pharmacies, and doctors rarely include them in the therapeutic regimen of patients. Manufacturers do not conduct clinical trials, the results of which would create evidence for the therapeutic effectiveness of transdermal drugs.

To reduce the severity of pain, to relieve inflammation and swelling, the following Chinese plasters are used:

  • An external remedy containing scorpion dust, bee venom, myrrh, cinnamon, angelica root, borneol, and about 30 other ingredients;
  • Patches containing 88 biologically active substances, including plant origin: angelica root, comfrey and licorice root, Szechuan pepper and buffalo horn extract, myrrh, turmeric, orange peel, infrared radiation powder and others;
  • Transdermal agent containing extracts of saffron, musk, ginger, menthol, myrrh, peach and angelica root, salicylic acid methyl ester, which belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • A preparation containing aconite, belladonna, cinnamon, parsnips, ginger, chilibuha seeds, myrrh and pine resin, clove bark extract and galangal root extract.

All herbal components of Chinese plasters have a cumulative effect, so the pain-relieving effect appears after several hours, sometimes days. Before using them, it should be taken into account that the preparation contains many biologically active substances that can cause a serious allergic reaction. Chinese plasters are not intended for the treatment of children, pregnant or lactating women.